Welcome to the Norwich Sports Massage and Remedial Massage website! We have treatments available to help you to get fit, stay fit and improve performance. We treat people of all ages and backgrounds and because we have many available therapies we can tailor your treatment to fit your needs.
Improve Fitness
Sports Massage
Expert Treatment
Improve Performance
Expert treatment
At Norwich Sports Massage we can help you to get fit, maintain your fitness and to relieve stress and tension.
We can also help you to with many problems including Back Ache, Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Leg and Foot Pains.
Central location
We are conveniently situated in the centre of Norwich at 7 St. John’s Alley, Maddermarket, Norwich. NR2 1DR.
We have easy parking nearby at St. Andrew’s Multi-Storey car park and St. Giles Multi-Storey car park.
What makes us different
We really care about you as a person and to this end we have many therapies available which we can use to tailor your individual treatment plan.